Use of Pure Metallic Silver – Plated to Nylon Dressing for: Recalcitrant Wounds
Foote M; Poster presentation
Silver Dressings Used With Wound Vacuum Assisted Closure: Is There an Advantage?
Rodriguez A et al.; Poster presentation
Healing Skin Grafts over Chronic Wounds with Vacuum Assisted Closure* and Silver Dressings**
Carson S et al.; Poster presentation
The Combined Benefit of Negative Pressure Therapy (N.P.T.)
Van Gills C, Stark L and Forbes B; Poster presentation
Research into fabrics used in compression therapy and assessment of their impact on treatment regimens.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Hegarty-Craver M, Grant E, Kravitz S, Reid L, Kwon K and Oxhenham W.; Article in J Wound Care. 2014 Sep;23(9):S14, S16, S18-22
Challenging present concepts in compression therapy: static stiffness index is not consistent and not clinically relevant.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Kravitz S1, Hegarty-Craver M, Reid L; Article in J Wound Care. 2016 Feb;25(2):S4, S6-8.
Simulated pressure changes in multilayer, multicomponent wrap systems when transitioning from rest to standing.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Hegarty-Craver M, Grant E, Kravitz S, Kwon C and Reid L; Article in J Wound Care. 2015 Sep;24 Suppl 9:S14-20.
Safety evaluation of silver-ion dressings in a porcine model of deep dermal wounds: A GLP study
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
Barillo DJ, Croutch CR, Barillo AR, Reid F and Singer A; Toxicol Lett. 319:111-118 2020
Silver Negative Pressure Dressing With Vacuum-Assisted Closure of Massive Pelvic and Extremity Wounds
Siegel HJ, Herrara DF and Gay J; Clin Orthop Relat Res DOI 10.1007/s11999-013-3123-3 2014
Blood and Tissue Silver Levels Following Application of Silver-Based Dressings to Sulfur Mustard Chemical Burns.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
Barillo DJ, Croutch CR, Reid F, Culley T, Sosna W an Roseman J; J Burn Care Res Sep/Oct 2017;38(5):e818-e823